Источник: IJNet
Редакторы, журналисты и другие сотрудники СМИ, заинтересованные в переходе на онлайновый режим, приглашаются на бесплатный Интернет-курс «Как организовать виртуальную редакцию: Что необходимо знать».
Практический курс организован как самоучитель и создан Институтом Пойнтера (NewsU): предполагается активное участие студентов.
Участники получат информацию из первых рук от тех редакторов, у которых уже есть опыт перехода на онлайновый режим. Среди освещаемых тем будут подняты такие, как процесс найма лучших сотрудников и реструктуризация редакции в процессе внедрения программного обеспечения.
Спонсор – Газеты американских пригородов (SNA).
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Title: | Leading an Online Newsroom: What You Need to Know |
What will I learn? You’ll learn what editors who have gone before you already know about making the transition to an online news operation. This course offers advice and tips from editors who have already jumped many of the hurdles that you face. They share with you the practices they have found to be most successful on topics including how to hire the best people and how to restructure your newsroom to accommodate your Web product.But you won’t just be talked through this course. You get to participate. Use the activities in this course to see how you would respond to news in an online publication and to help you be a better leader and build a stronger newsroom. Who should take this course? Although it’s designed for editors, this course is for anyone who wants to know about making the transition to an online publication. How long will it take? If you go through the course from beginning to end, it should take about three hours. But this self-directed course is set up so you can work at your own pace. You can access the topics in any order, starting and stopping at your convenience. And you can come back anytime once you enroll. About the instructors: Susan Karol is the executive director of the Suburban Newspapers of America Foundation. Content in this course came from the contributions of several members of SNA, who have demonstrated successful online publication practices. Technical requirements: We recommend accessing this course with Firefox or Safari 2.x or higher as your browser. And make sure you have your speakers or headphones on. This course also requires Flash Player 9 or higher.
Note: This course is available free of charge as part of a grant to the Suburban Newspapers of America Foundation from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to to help suburban and community journalists make the transformation to a multimedia world. Cost: This course is available free of charge to registered users of NewsU. Источник |